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After brush wood coatings appear bubbles do with waterborne wood paint are _ | opal chemical water paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
On to furniture paint process, always meet all kinds of problems, brush wood coatings bubble is one of them, after this exactly is what reason is caused, how should solve? Today, small make up for everyone to analysis: how to deal with after brush wood coatings appear bubbles, hope to bring help need friends!

1, wood coatings, the phenomenon of the bubble: protuberant round foam in size after paint film works, also called a bubble. Bubbles generated in the coated surface and paint film, or between two layers of paint film. Wood joint and the hole is not filled, such as gap opening hole, also easy to cause wood coatings appear bubbles.

2, the reasons of air bubble after brush wood coatings

base material processing undesirable, such as wood moisture content is higher, or not will be rid of lumber itself contains rosin, aromatic oil, when its natural volatilization cause foaming.

oily or not completely dry or bottom water putty wood coatings when working is a paint brush; Attached to the substrate surface oil, dirt, blisters, etc. , the impurity is stained with water around her.

brush wood coatings after the bubble solution

the moisture content of timber should be dry to appropriate, to remove aromatic oil or resin in wood.

should be fully dried putty, the underlying wood coatings, paint is brushed again; With a clean cloth to clean up debris on the surface of the base material, don't touch the coated surface, after clean on wood coatings.
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