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Emulsioni paint USES myth, 30 years return an experience summary, a few of you? _ emulsioni paint | opal chemical water-based paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Decorate in the family, the emulsioni paint color is rich, healthy environmental protection, more and more people choose emulsioni paint as metope adornment material. But there are a lot of people for the use of emulsioni paint, influence the effect of domestic outfit or rework.

so, the family is decorated use emulsioni paint what mistake? Just like below small make up together look at 30 years' experience in return.

primer is not much use, can use all

shaved wall putty must brush paint, even the renovation. Now of putty water resistance, alkali is bigger, can appear not brush priming FanJian phenomenon, metope will grow flowers, primer has the effect of alkali resistance. Pay attention to the time interval after the primer coating paint shall not be less than 24 hours.

the emulsioni paint of layered can no longer use the

let stand for a period of time, emulsioni paint surface might appear statified phenomenon, many people thought the layered can no longer use emulsioni paint, latex paint is actually aqueous solution, the layering is very normal, as long as there is no yellow, mildew, odor, etc. , can be normal use after stir well and does not affect the coating effect.

don't add water roll emulsioni paint doesn't open

don't add water, emulsioni paint with roller can get out of here, but the knurling printing will be more obvious. If you add water when roller coating, easy to brush metope, so emulsioni paint is brushed dark generally do not add water. If you feel not add water roller coating knurled printed clearly, can adopt the way of spraying.

completed metope as smooth as possible

for adopting spraying wall surface is as smooth as possible. But leave knurling roller coating will be printed, if the metope after roller coating looks very smooth, in fact is caused by too much water. Too much water can reduce the adhesion in latex paint, easy off paint problems, lead to surface film is thinner, impact performance.

dark paint besmear brushs times more darker

dark paint even a dozen times, the color will not become deeper, darker paint because of low content of titanium white, covering power is not strong, in the process of construction need more light color paint besmear brushs times, makes a more even coating.

light color paint doesn't cover dark paint

no matter use what color of paint can be covered with dark paint ( Such as red, purple, etc. ) , when construction, cover brunet with light color lacquer paint, times more than the normal paint one or two times.

Windows and doors opening wind scattered flavor

emulsioni paint is water-based coating, environmental performance is excellent, but many people still enjoy after construction, wide open door window, accelerate the drying speed metope, but do it right?

in the northern dry areas, if the drying time too fast, emulsioni paint quickly water loss, it is easy to cause crack of metope, is the right thing will open a small door seam, under the premise of assure indoor ventilation, make metope in 1 - It is advisable to 2 days to completely dry.
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