Exterior House Painting
As we begin enter into Summer each year the ideas of lots of home-owners turn to refreshing the exterior painting and in particular for those with homes that have stucco or pebble dash type render on the external walls. For many of us the process of fishing out the brushes and also the paint from the garage shelves is an annual event and as we age it becomes a less enjoyable and more costly exercise as well as using up valuable leisure or family time.
The varied climate we have ensures that any exterior house paint undergoes severe stress from the hot baking summer temperatures on the frosts and biting wind or rain of lengthy winter months. Unlike ourselves who add a protective layer of clothing in the wintertime or who can shelter from the effects of extreme weather, the from our homes are left unprotected apart from a thin layer of house fix up. It is hardly surprising then that often outside paint finish will peel, flake or blister which is this then results from a faster deterioration of the external coating as water is now able to get behind the paint and weaken it further. In extreme cases this can also be responsible for damp penetration through the wall and into the lining of the home.
The good news for home-owners who need their residence painting is that the scientific breakthroughs in exterior coating technology has brought about a new generation of ultra durable and weather resistant exterior paints which indicates an end to annual house painting regardless of your weather throughout the year . These latest paint coatings are microporous which basically means they stop any water from being absorbed whilst still allowing the walls to breathe. They are also UV resistant and maintenance free for at least three decades !
So, invest in the new high tech house painting service using these amazing self cleaning exterior paints and concerns regaining your sight the brushes and pots of paint for good. Get this Summer one the put your feet up in the backyard rather than on a ladder!
The varied climate we have ensures that any exterior house paint undergoes severe stress from the hot baking summer temperatures on the frosts and biting wind or rain of lengthy winter months. Unlike ourselves who add a protective layer of clothing in the wintertime or who can shelter from the effects of extreme weather, the from our homes are left unprotected apart from a thin layer of house fix up. It is hardly surprising then that often outside paint finish will peel, flake or blister which is this then results from a faster deterioration of the external coating as water is now able to get behind the paint and weaken it further. In extreme cases this can also be responsible for damp penetration through the wall and into the lining of the home.
The good news for home-owners who need their residence painting is that the scientific breakthroughs in exterior coating technology has brought about a new generation of ultra durable and weather resistant exterior paints which indicates an end to annual house painting regardless of your weather throughout the year . These latest paint coatings are microporous which basically means they stop any water from being absorbed whilst still allowing the walls to breathe. They are also UV resistant and maintenance free for at least three decades !
So, invest in the new high tech house painting service using these amazing self cleaning exterior paints and concerns regaining your sight the brushes and pots of paint for good. Get this Summer one the put your feet up in the backyard rather than on a ladder!