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Exterior wall coating construction steps

by:Opal     2021-01-18
一个。 Basic level processing first, clean up dust on the surface of the grassroots and other adhesion. Large sag of application of the polymer cement mortar leveling. After drying, with cement latex putty to repair the small holes and cracks. Metope after weathering frost, clean with zinc sulfate solution or dilute hydrochloric acid solution, smeary clean with detergent, finally clean with clear water. Base on the original coating should be different according to different conditions: loose, peeling, fragile old coating should be clear; Bonded solid old coating should use sandpaper rough. All not waterproof coating should be removed. B。 Brush glue if metope osteoporosis have absorbent, after cleaning can be evenly coated with 1 - at the local level Two rubber ( Acrylic emulsion or water-soluble building glue diluted 3 - 5 times) , can't leak or caused by too much flow or accumulation. C。 After local filling putty dry at the grass-roots level, should use putty compensate for any uneven, after drying should be leveling sand. The finished product be bored with child should stir well before use. When the putty is too thick, can be adjusted through proper adding water. D。 Full blow be bored with child putty on the back, with a float or leather scraper scratches, after the first. According to the basic situation and decorate a requirement, be bored with child should besmear to brush 2 - Be bored with child each time, three times may not be too thick. Be bored with child after dry immediately with sandpaper. Can not have the waves or leave any traces. After polishing, the float ash should be removed. E. Brush bottom paint mixing primer. If the coating is very thick, can be diluted according to the requirement of the specifications. Use brush or brush evenly brush, be careful not to leak brush or brushed too thickly. If necessary, primer can be part of the repair after drying, and then polished. F。 Brush paint paint, according to the product specification of dilution proportion, and stir well. Need color separation, metope should use chalk line bags or ink fountain pop-up color separation line, brush in the color change in space set aside 1 ~ 2 cm. A man first immersed brush roller in exterior wall coating and evenly daub, another person immediately erased the paint marks, and a row of brush splashes. Should prevent infiltration and fall. Each paint surface should begin from the edge to the other side of the painting, and should be a complete, to avoid joint trace. For the first time after completely dry, apply again exterior wall coating. According to the different situation, exterior wall paint besmear commonly 2 ~ 3 times.
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