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Exterior wall stone paint construction process have? 2019 KeBao paint entire network

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Coating is indispensable to exterior wall decoration materials. Stone coating is a kind of thick wall decorative paint, its adornment effect is similar to marble and granite. Stone coating fire protection, waterproof, acid and alkali resistance, pollution. Non-toxic, tasteless, adhesion and never fade, got the favour of broad consumer, so what is the construction technology of external wall really stone paint? Next, KeBao building materials will show you the wall stone paint construction process. 1. Basic level processing and rendering should be at the grass-roots level. 2. Seal primer coating. Brush bottom before, shall not be greater than 10% moisture content. On the base, with the spray gun evenly, a moistureproof layer of primer or back processing, until no bleeding. In order to prevent surface water seepage at the grass-roots level and bleeding, thus expanding and pollution stone coating, damage the late construction quality. In addition, we should pay attention to moistureproof paint drying time is about 60 minutes. 3, meshing and elastic line and adhesive tape. Requirements in strict accordance with the drawing frame and elastic thread, choose according to the depth and width of joint article frame, paste article frame. In order to ensure the accuracy of the location, it should be vertical and horizontal. 4. Step is stone painting: from top to bottom, to render, besmear again cement mortar layer. In the application process, should be careful maintenance. 5. Start the grid. Spraying is completed, pull out in time frame beam, clean up the seams. 6. Surface polishing. Before spraying waterproof protective film, you should use sand paper to grind out dry sand floating on the surface of the coating, acute Angle on the surface of the stone paint particles should wear off about 30% 50%, so we can properly increase the aesthetic feeling of gravel, reduce the acute Angle, avoid dust accumulation, at the same time ensure waterproof protective film can be completely covered. 7. Spraying. Survival after 24 hours, can spray paint, and must be completely dry before for stone coating. Paint should be sprayed evenly and thin, not allowed to flow. Hardening after about 60 minutes, is completed. Above is KeBao the outer walls of the building materials of construction technology of stone coating. I believe that after reading this article, everyone will have a better understanding of the construction process of the stone coating. I hope this is helpful to everyone. Interested in stone coating friend can read more about the stone coating the KeBao paint to teach you a recruit to distinguish real stone and stone 'of information.
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