Inferior stone lacquer contain what material? 2019 KeBao paint entire network
In recent years, the stone coating has become the most popular of the exterior wall decorative paint, now more and more stone coating paint manufacturers are production.
Because of the huge profits stone coating market, some illegal enterprises using sub-optimal brand paint sold to customers.
When buying painting, they should carefully carries an anti-counterfeit label for the identification and code.
Next, KeBao will share with you inferior building materials stone coating contained in the material.
Formaldehyde is a kind of excitant gas, formaldehyde can damage the respiratory tract and internal organs.
The inferior wall putty mainly exists in adhesives and coating, is also a major source.
2, toluene, xylene, toluene and xylene is mildly toxic solvent in solvent classification, at high concentrations have anesthesia and stimulation to the human body, have toxic effects on the nervous system.
Long-term exposure to toluene and xylene, people should not drink liquor shouldn't drink too much advanced liquor, because alcohol can prolong the residence time of in the body, is extremely harmful to health.
Toluene diisocyanate (
TDI has low vapor pressure, has strong stimulation to human cornea, that causes red, swollen eyes.
Inhalation of deionized water can damage the liver and kidney function of the body.
Glycol ether glycol ether solvents after metabolism can form highly toxic compounds, to human body blood circulation system and the nervous system to cause permanent damage.
Long-term exposure to high concentrations of ethylene glycol ether solvents may lead to cancer.
5, benzene, benzene is a highly poisonous solvent.
It is a kind of fragrance and volatile organic substances, anesthesia and stimulate the nervous system to the human body.
A small amount of inhaled can also cause long-term damage to human body.
Benzene can accumulate in the nervous system and bone marrow, the nervous system and hematopoietic tissue damage, lead to the decrease in the number of white blood cells and platelets in the blood, the long-term exposure will cause leukemia.
6, volatile organic compounds and volatile organic compounds.
According to incomplete statistics, China coating industry each year about 3 million tons of organic volatiles released into the atmosphere.
It direct atmospheric pollution environment, damage to the human life environment, damage human health, causing huge waste of resources, it has to do with today's renewable and sustainable development of economy are incompatible.
7, heavy metal heavy metals mainly exist in the color coating, mainly from the color coating pigment.
Excessive intake of heavy metals can cause chronic poisoning.
Heavy metal influence children's growth, especially the intellectual development.
Above is a treasure to share inferior stone coating paint contained in the material.
Some inferior paint often come into contact with toxic substances, this certain toxic effects on the environment and human health.
I hope this is helpful to everyone.
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