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Multi-color gun fault and maintenance!

by:Opal     2021-01-25
Spray gun in the process of using sometimes appear some problems, now the phenomenon which appears on the gun were analyzed, and according to the phenomenon, analyze the reasons, find out the solving method. Below illustrate some common fault, and introduces the solution ~ ▍ phenomenon one: to the left or right reason 1, gas cap sector control pore blocking 2, gas cap on one side of the damaged countermeasures: 1, cleaning spray cap 2, replace the atomization phenomenon ▍ cap 2: spray painting too thick central reason 1, 2, spraying pressure spray paint viscosity is too high too low 3, nozzle diameter and thimble increase due to wear and smaller countermeasures: 1, 2, lower coating viscosity increasing spraying pressure 3, replace the nozzle sets three ▍ phenomenon: spray painting split reason 1, 2, spraying paint viscosity is too low pressure is too high 3, fan control hole diameter larger 4, coating is not enough 5, atomization air channel congestion countermeasures: 1, 2, 3 lower spraying pressure, high coating viscosity change the nozzle set 4, add enough paint 5, cleaning spray gun air channel 4: ▍ phenomenon to jump the gun, nozzle 1 didn't tighten or not installed 2, 3, gun gun needle seal kit loose loose coupling nut ( The pot of spray gun) 4、壶里涂料不足5、喷嘴套装损坏对策:1、旋紧喷嘴或清洁并安装喷嘴套装2、紧固顶针密封套件3、旋紧连接螺母4、补充涂料5、更换喷嘴套装▍现象五:喷幅上重或下重原因1、喷嘴、顶针或气帽的空气出口上有杂物堵塞2、气帽或喷嘴受损对策:1、清洁喷嘴套装2、更换喷嘴套装▍现象六:喷不出涂料或少量出漆原因1、枪壶盖的空气补充孔堵塞或气帽及吸料管严重堵塞2、壶内没有涂料3、顶针行程太小对策:1、清洁壶盖上的空气补充孔、气帽及吸料管2、补充涂料3、旋转涂料流量调节旋钮增大针阀的行程▍现象七:喷嘴处漏涂料原因1、顶针密封螺帽太紧2、喷嘴端口内部有异物3、喷嘴和顶针不配套或有损伤4、顶针回位弹簧断掉或未装对策:1、旋松顶针密封螺帽2、清洁喷嘴3、更换喷嘴套装4、更换顶针回位弹簧或安装上顶针回位弹簧▍现象八:喷幅不能调节原因:1、气帽的两侧扇面控制孔堵塞2、喷幅调节器受损或安装错3、喷枪扇面控制孔的空气通道堵塞对策:1、清洁气帽2、更换喷幅调节器或正确安装喷幅调节器3、清洁空气通道▍现象九:不能正常调节气压或刚接上压缩空气气就会直接从枪口喷出原因1、空气调节器受损或空气阀门损坏2、空气阀门回位弹簧断掉或未安装对策:1、更换空气调节器或空气阀门2、更换空气阀门回位弹簧或装上空气阀门回位弹簧▍现象十:顶针密封件漏涂料原因1、顶针密封圈磨坏2、顶针密封圈垫未安装3、顶针密封圈弹簧损坏或未安装4、顶针密封螺帽松脱5、顶针与密封圈的接触处磨损6、顶针与喷枪不配套对策:1、更换顶针密封圈2、加装顶针密封圈垫片3、更换或加装顶针密封圈弹簧4、拧紧顶针密封螺帽5、更换喷嘴套装6、更换与喷枪相配的喷嘴套装
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