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Setting wall art paint color collocation? Three ways small white can learn _ 【 Art paint online 】

by:Opal     2021-01-18

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content briefly: know art paint the owner can know the characteristics of an art paint, art paint variety, different texture, texture, and part of the texture can match each other, at the same time, the color also know art paint the owner can know the characteristics of an art paint, art paint variety, different texture, texture, and part of the texture can match each other, at the same time, the color is very rich, in theory, what color to be able to do.
so for many owners, the question becomes: how should have matched art paint color?

art paint color has always been the owner more tangled things, art paint, decorate in household in, mainly used in three places, one is the metope of large area, one is the background wall, and a top surface, today we talk about the background wall art paint for how color is tie-in. Three ways to let you no longer entanglements:

the first: similar color collocation
to choose the color of large area of color close, such as large area choose light blue walls, so you can pick and choose the dark blue background wall, good is not easy to get wrong, colour is harmonious and unified, disadvantage is the lack of personality.

the second is the photograph echo with the
choose curtains, pillow or other some ornament color soft outfit decoration the same color, can have the effect of want to echo, won't make space color too much and messy.

and the third is
with a background color contrast color collocation, in contrast, the main characters, the other color do contrast color is tie-in, thinking in addition to setting wall, other colors will be the combination of what color? And then use this color as the background color of the wall as complementary color, so that can let a space have move feeling, but overall it is out of balance state, is personally, I admired.

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