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Solid wood furniture paint common base material processing methods summary _ furniture paint | opal chemical water-based paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Before coating solid wood furniture paint base material to be processed on the residual dirt, grease, dirt, neatlier and purpose is in order to be able to better achieve the effect of furniture paint, avoid lacquer furniture disease affect normal use. Today, small make up to you to sort out a: solid wood furniture paint common substrate processing method, hope you can help to you.

a, go fat

before to the wood furniture paint must remove wood contains oil, otherwise easy to cause bad furniture paint curing, reduce the film adhesion, common to remove method has the following kinds.

1, dissolve

local fat more lumber, available solvents to wipe, large leaching solvent wood shavings, can be in the above over and over again to wipe, under the high temperature grease effect is better. Drawback is the cost is high, the solvent toxic flammable, safe hidden trouble.

2, alkali washing

the lye apply grease, 3 to 4 hours after using 2% sodium carbonate solution for cleaning, if not clean, it's easy to have a dark wood. Disadvantages: not suitable for light and color decoration.

3, closed primer,

to avoid deep wood oil continues to seep, can be closed using closed primer. The first to use the shellac varnish, now many for polyurethane primer.

4, eye patch, bug

for nailhole free of pests and easy leaking oil, fat to dig, dig to pay attention to the direction of wood fiber, repair must be filled.

2, decontamination

wood before processing unavoidably with dust and dirt, will seriously affect the furniture paint decoration color uniform, paint film curing and adhesion.

surface dust sweep can use air compressor to blow, can not use wet cloth to wipe, lest dirt greasy between grain; Dirt can use alcohol to clean after use clean water to wash it again, do use sand paper along the grain after grinding.

3, to wood, burrs

neatlier, burrs is wood surface fines, general lodging in wood surface and pore grinding cannot be completely eliminated, when wood be affected with damp be affected with damp, neatlier, burrs will prick up, make the surface rough, cause color uneven.

remove method: first the wood and then dry grinding, wet in the wood surface besmear to brush seal primer, such as wood, flash after erecting grinding, can't force too much, otherwise easy to produce new neatlier, burrs.
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