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Stone paint and ceramic tile what are the different performance characteristics? 2019 KeBao paint entire network

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Nowadays, more and more exterior wall coating. Most people choose really stone paint when adornment wall. Stone paint is mainly composed of a variety of colors of natural stone. It is fire prevention, waterproof, acid and alkali resistance, pollution, non-toxic, tasteless, strong adhesion, never fade, etc. It can effectively prevent the outside bad environment on the structure of the corrosion, prolong the service life of buildings. Secondly, KeBao building materials will share the performance characteristics of different stone paint and ceramic tile. Stone coating compared with the performance of ceramic tile: weatherability ceramic tile is easy to tide, affected by the climate: ceramic tile and marble tide easily, especially in many parts of China, especially the southeast coast and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river region. The more cold, ceramic tile, the arch. Stone coating has good weathering resistance and colour retention, mildew and algae resistance, stone coatings with good weatherability. It can according to the different climate ( Temperature, humidity, etc. ) For different configuration. ) , such as southern architectural stone coating can add moisture, mildew proof and antibacterial formula. The invention north and northeast China building stone coating by adding antifreeze and heat-resistant additives, paint film by - 40℃- The difference in temperature of 45 ℃ and damage, effectively prevent the corrosion of external environment for building, extending the service life of the building. Crack resistance of ceramic tile impact resistance is poor, easily broken. Ceramic tile is in the process of production, transportation, installation and use of very easily broken. This is decided by its own material properties, can't change. Stone coating high hardness, crack, leak proof, is made up of high strength adhesive. To achieve 2 - coating thickness 3 mm, equal to the marble surface hardness, the wall has significant protective effect. Small and strong toughness, strong cohesive force, ductility, covering the tiny cracks effectively, prevent craze, completely solve the problem of ceramic tile production, transportation and use. The performance of ceramic tile construction difficulty is big, long construction period. At present, there are two kinds of ceramic tile commonly used methods: dry method and wet method. Due to wall body shape is irregular, construction requirement of high precision ceramic tile, ceramic tile existing specifications too. In the process of paving, uneven seam, height down big, affect the overall appearance. Stone coating easy construction, short construction period. It only needs to be used as a primer, primer, intermediate coat and finishes. It can spray, scratches, and rolling method is used. It also can spray on the surface of complex building during construction. Surface is uniform and line is divided into different types. Stone coating can be completely mould of the specifications of the ceramic tile. True brick size and design can be designed according to the customer's will. Its image, shape, texture and color can be adjusted freely, in order to meet the customer diversification and personalized needs. Stone coating construction period are 50% shorter than ceramic tile. Use the actual cost of ceramic tile relatively high economic benefit. Compared with the stone coating, ceramic tile material cost is relatively high. For example, sandstone, cement, etc. All need to spend extra money. In addition, the ceramic tile to cut irregular wall, thus increased the cost and loss. Stone paint cost is low, cost savings: stone paint products cost is only about 45% of the cost of high-grade ceramic tile. It can adapt to any irregular wall, finish any bending, in areas such as the thin edge, do not need to cut, greatly reduces the cost. Ceramic tile is in the process of transportation, installation and use of damage and natural loss is greater than the stone coating. Safety performance of ceramic tile is heavy, increase the construction load, are unsafe. Wet fall off easily lead to ceramic tile ceramic tile, dry ceramic tile is easy to increase height decreased, so ceramic tile installation of construction, especially in high-rise building has very big effect. Europe and the United States for a lot of rules, will instead of solid clay brick of fly ash hollow brick, wall decoration without the use of granite, not to mention, ceramic tile, exterior wall coating. Stone of the paint is not exist ceramic tile has a certain radiation characteristics. By inspection of the relevant state departments, the ceramic tile of sales on the market at present there are different levels of radiation pollution. The stone coating has good environmental protection performance. By quality supervision and inspection center of comprehensive measurement, the stone coating in the process of construction and use without any side effects, and harmless to the environment. This series of paint products by the national high technology industrialization committee named the Chinese green environmental protection building materials building materials products. Color ceramic tile has inevitable chromatic aberration problems. Even the best ceramic tile also have off color, it is an inevitable problem, is mainly due to the limit of raw material and production process. If it is necessary to modified ceramic tile, matching the same specifications and color of ceramic tile is too difficult. These are different performance characteristics of stone paint and ceramic tile, for KeBao paint have in common. Stone paint and ceramic tile each has its own characteristics. Choice depends on your preferences. I hope this is helpful to you. 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