Water-based paint hardness, scratch resistance and abrasion resistance performance analytical _ water-based paint | opal chemical water-based paint
About the performance of water-based paint film hardness tests, there are different ways and formulated.
In fact, different methods and expression, the expression of the characteristics of the coating film has a certain difference, probably can use soft, hard and tough, brittle to express.
hardness & amp; Scratch resistance
hardness reflect the paint film against foreign material sag, scratches and seepage deformation caused by ability. Its physical meaning can be understood as a film on the surface to act on it, another hardness larger objects of resistance.
the scratch resistance against foreign material refers to the film surface under the action of force, do relative movement from time to time be scratched on the surface. Not only related to the hardness, scratch resistance and the toughness of the coating, paint film on the surface of the smooth degree of correlation.
hardness & amp; Wear
film abrasion resistance refers to the resistance of the friction mechanical action. Expression is under the condition of mechanical friction force, material resistance to spalling degree from mother. Is, in fact, the coating hardness, toughness, adhesion and cohesion of the embodiment of the comprehensive effect.
and scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and toughness are closely related, toughness is even more impact than the influence of other properties. Because toughness good coating with viscoelastic effect, can be dropped the buffer, absorb and release energy, reducing consumption of wear and tear.
hardness & amp; Scratch resistance
hardness reflect the paint film against foreign material sag, scratches and seepage deformation caused by ability. Its physical meaning can be understood as a film on the surface to act on it, another hardness larger objects of resistance.
the scratch resistance against foreign material refers to the film surface under the action of force, do relative movement from time to time be scratched on the surface. Not only related to the hardness, scratch resistance and the toughness of the coating, paint film on the surface of the smooth degree of correlation.
hardness & amp; Wear
film abrasion resistance refers to the resistance of the friction mechanical action. Expression is under the condition of mechanical friction force, material resistance to spalling degree from mother. Is, in fact, the coating hardness, toughness, adhesion and cohesion of the embodiment of the comprehensive effect.
and scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and toughness are closely related, toughness is even more impact than the influence of other properties. Because toughness good coating with viscoelastic effect, can be dropped the buffer, absorb and release energy, reducing consumption of wear and tear.