Water pack sand construction problems, can handle!
Flaking and peeling reason: the main is to use inferior putty, putty maintenance time is too short lead to insufficient hardness, surface treatment is not clean, the high humidity at the grass-roots level.
Suggested approach: the eradication of processing, and keep the wall in front of the new construction meet the requirements of the coating.
Color: different batch color difference is big, coating construction interval is too long.
Recommended processing method: in the same metope USES the same material as far as possible, so as to shorten construction interval.
Sagging reason: too thick coating, construction distance are too short, too much traffic, etc.
Recommended treatment: a.
Before each coating shall solicit in advance the spraying experiment was carried out on the test board, and adjusting for spraying state.
After confirm the color and spraying effect without exception, before being large area construction.
B, spraying, it is recommended that the debugging related equipment (
Amount of air pressure, oil, etc. )
In large area before spraying.
Cracking reasons: spraying temperature too low or too thick, spraying the surface dry too fast, and so on.
Suggested processing method: remove serious cracks, and then repaint the construction.
Reason: the flood wall high water content, high alkalinity, project completed in haste.
Suggested approach: the eradication of processing, and keep the wall in front of the new construction meet the requirements of the coating.
Film thickness is not uniform, spraying color difference is big.
Recommended treatment: 2.
Color difference before B, spraying, it is recommended that the debugging related equipment (
Amount of air pressure, oil, etc. )
In large area before spraying;
C, if the base of color and color difference is very big, it is recommended to use primer or intermediate paint adjustment, and then to use close to finish.
B, spraying, it is recommended that the debugging related equipment (
Amount of air pressure, oil, etc. )
In large area before spraying.