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Waterborne wood coatings construction underlying water-wood-paint | how to correctly handle _ opal chemical water paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
With the constant improvement of the people environmental protection consciousness, waterborne wood coatings with the advantages of the green environmental protection, has been more and more the owner. Especially in nearly two years, waterborne wood coatings product r&d and innovation, showed a trend of rapid growth. Today, we will speak of waterborne wood paint construction at the bottom how to correctly handle.

white base processing

function: effectively remove stains, dirt and burr on the surface of the plate, the plate is more clean and smooth, conducive to the construction.

operation method: choose 240 # and 320 # sandpaper to polishing line, in areas such as the groove; Transparent coating grinding should be carried out along the direction of the wood grain.

sheet enclosed

role: to enclosed sheet, to prevent the pollution of plank, excessive moisture absorption and moisture loss, slow down the plate deformation, enhance the adhesion between the film and sheet, saving the dosage of primer.

operation method: sealer, besmear brushs waterborne wood paint brush can, according to the process of uniform hang no flow, no leakage brush.

fill hole processing

: scraping putty, hole filling wood, reduce the dosage of wood coatings, enhance the film flatness, convenient for construction.

operation method: choose matching water putty and nail hole putty; Use putty toning, small area to try first, after confirm the identity of the sheet and color, and then to the construction of large area.
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