Waterborne wood paint are strong weatherability construction matters needing attention _ wood coatings | opal chemical water-based paint
Outdoor water paint need strong weatherability, outdoor wood paint just have this characteristic, the main spraying, brush, brush besmear three ways, besmear to brush with thin coating advisable.
The following detailed introduce strong weatherability waterborne wood paint construction matters needing attention.
1, high cleaning requirements: in the process of construction and material surface cleanliness requirements. Coating substrate surface should be dry, no dust, oil and other chemicals, if the old paint film base material surface, it must be before finishing grinding, dry, remove dust, grease, wax and other dirt.
2, good construction environment: as waterborne wood coatings is a water-soluble coating, so the construction conditions of temperature and humidity requirements more stringent. For water-based wood coatings in the drying process are greatly influenced by the environment temperature and humidity, the lower the relative humidity of drying the faster, the slower and dry.
3, avoid is mixed use: water-based wood coatings should stir well before the construction, to avoid the generation of particles in the construction. And with reference to specific product construction specifications, diluted with water to the appropriate construction viscosity. Waterborne wood paint is water-based product, and the paint is incompatible, it is forbidden to mix with other paint.
1, high cleaning requirements: in the process of construction and material surface cleanliness requirements. Coating substrate surface should be dry, no dust, oil and other chemicals, if the old paint film base material surface, it must be before finishing grinding, dry, remove dust, grease, wax and other dirt.
2, good construction environment: as waterborne wood coatings is a water-soluble coating, so the construction conditions of temperature and humidity requirements more stringent. For water-based wood coatings in the drying process are greatly influenced by the environment temperature and humidity, the lower the relative humidity of drying the faster, the slower and dry.
3, avoid is mixed use: water-based wood coatings should stir well before the construction, to avoid the generation of particles in the construction. And with reference to specific product construction specifications, diluted with water to the appropriate construction viscosity. Waterborne wood paint is water-based product, and the paint is incompatible, it is forbidden to mix with other paint.