What are the considerations for exterior wall really stone paint construction? Master the knowledge
We in the outer wall really stone paint construction should pay attention to?
The appearance of the exterior wall and smoothness in appearance is very important.
The construction method and steps of the outer wall really stone paint is what?
Really stone paint construction should pay attention to?
Let's take a look at something on detailed introduction and really stone paint.
Finish before construction, to ensure true stone lacquer is completely dry, it usually is the key to a successful construction;
According to the requirements of spraying construction adjust really stone paint viscosity available water.
Should be increased from less to more, and cannot be further increased.
Experienced people responsible for this step is better.
Every time before spraying, spray should be tested on the test board in advance, and adjusting for spraying state.
Official spraying should be recognized in the tonal and after spraying BuFu there is no problem.
If you don't good at painting at the beginning of the project construction, you should try the back wall or small local spraying, skilled in front again after spraying.
Spraying seams prone to uneven color, therefore after spraying one as soon as possible after spraying.
6, in order to reduce the color difference, need one-time order materials needed;
Finished product protection: (1) the construction process, the doors and Windows and the protection and construction parts protection;
(2) it is strictly prohibited to bottom-up construction order, to avoid color pollution;
(3) demolition of frame or other building professionals.
It is forbidden to touch and damage metope and pedals.
Exterior wall really stone paint construction plan 1.
Exterior wall really stone paint construction plan really stone paint construction process: foundation treatment: remove dirt, dust on the surface of the ground and uneven, and 1 -
2 pieces of Chen guang exterior wall putty leveling.
With Chen Guangzhen stone paint primer: coated with special primers.
Directions: measurement, marking, paste the paper according to design requirements, and the masking paper paste position in stitches.
Tu: use special gun spraying two layers of the morning natural stone paint.
Pointing: remove tattoo paper.
Paint: paint besmear brushs Chen Guangzhen stone paint.
Exterior wall really stone paint construction scheme 2.
Exterior wall really stone paint construction matters needing attention note: exterior wall construction standard coating tools: general spray gun, short hair roller, roller shape, paint spray gun and airless spray gun.
Because of the suction base surface uneven, can lead to different color illusion, so the coating amount of per unit area must meet the prescribed standard.
Primer coating weight control in 0.
4 kg/m2, main ingredient coating weight control in 4 kg/m2, paint coating weight control in 0.
Due to the thin coating, the surface roughness will be reflected truthfully, so in order to obtain a good effect, the base surface should be as smooth as possible.
Try to keep continuous construction, construction suspended should choose in metope frame parts.
The influence of climate conditions, the influence of the temperature: when the temperature is below 5 ℃, snow shoveling, before surface when it freezes at the grassroots level construction.
If at noon and in the morning and evening temperature difference is too big, please adjust the construction schedule according to the surface temperature of the grassroots.
Night temperature is low, the construction shall be finished ahead of the day, in order to have enough drying time.
The influence of the wind: when the winds reach more than 5 m/s, should stop construction, otherwise the protective paint before construction are easy to be dust pollution.
The influence of rain: if the coating material are not completely dry wash, rain will destroy the coating film.
Therefore, in the before, during and after the construction process and construction should be paid attention to the weather changes, and adjust the progress.
The outer walls of the above is a small edit to introduce really stone paint construction scheme and exterior really stone paint construction matters needing attention.
I want you to really stone paint have a better understanding of the construction