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What is really stone paint exterior wall construction method? Really stone paint exterior wall construction detailed explanation

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Exterior wall really stone paint is a kind of very good adornment material now. We all need to know the details in the process of construction. Take a look at some beautifully decorated country villa. Although the area is very big, but we all know what should be paid attention to during the construction of exterior wall really stone paint. So today really stone paint will take you to understand it! 1. The basic surface treatment. Foundation treatment, the wall maintenance needs a period of time. Blow be bored with child before, at the grass-roots level shall be completely eliminated the loose, peeling, empty drum and powder, and then remove dust, grease and other contaminants. With exterior wall putty to repair the wall and local leveling for the first time. With putty or sealant filled large holes and cracks. Be bored with child after drying, partial grinding metope, then use the whole batch of putty erased at the grass-roots level. Be bored with child after completely dry, grinding smooth at the grass-roots level. Because really stone paint has a certain thickness of thin plate coating high than the flatness requirement of the grassroots. 2, besmear to brush seal primer. Be bored with child after completely dry, besmear again brush seal primer. Usually do not need to use additional seal primer diluent dilution. Its purpose is to clean and increase the intensity of the at the grass-roots level and bond strength of coating. Usually, use roller structure, can also use the spray structure. 3, solid primer spraying. The purpose is to make the base material spraying color primer with the same color. The present invention can effectively avoid the shading phenomenon caused by really stone paint transparent coating, can also reduce the dosage of really stone paint, color uniform good decorative effect. Grassroots coloring material mainly has the good adhesion, durability and water resistance of external scumble emulsioni paint. Based on determining the color of the color of natural stone material or sample board, make the paint color as close as possible to the real stone the color of the paint itself. 4. Spraying really stone paint. True stone lacquer is generally not need water, if necessary, add a little water to adjust. However, control product structure should be paid attention to when spraying the consistency of the viscosity, air pressure, nozzle size and distance must be strictly consistent. When the weather is windy weather, should stop the construction. Really stone paint construction is very difficult. If the control is bad, the coating easy to local flowering. 5. Spray paint. In order to protect the decorative surface, increase luster, improve resistance to pollution, enhance the overall decoration effect, after spraying the coating, the coating surface, spray varnish. (after really stone paint dry completely Usually in the sunny days to save at least 3 days) , you can spray paint. In the process of construction, add a little thinner. Should pay attention to keep the viscosity, pressure and nozzle size are consistent, and to prevent sagging. Note 1 really stone paint exterior wall construction. Construction scaffolding should be a distance of 30 cm metope. If the distance is too close, up and down between the scaffold spraying parts may have joint trace, affect adornment effect. 2, don't spray parts and objects, separated with baffle or paper. 3. During the period of construction temperature shall be above 50 c, may construction when wind above grade 4. 24 hours after spraying the coating should be avoid rain and snow. 4. Oily primers and paint is flammable solid. It is strictly prohibited to fireworks during the construction. 5. Main coating after completion of construction, rinse with water immediately. 6. Oily primers and paint after completion of construction, xylene and other solvent cleaning tools should be used. Many houses in rural areas is now under renovation. Many people can't find what color really stone paint walls and stone paint. The above is edge XiaoJieShao really stone paint exterior wall construction method and construction points for attention. Come to an end. I'd like to know more about reading really stone paint the article recommended the wall outside you know really stone paint construction of the main steps and skills? Watching you will understand. '
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