What is the matter really stone paint hair white hair flower? 2019 KeBao paint entire network
Today, really stone paint exterior wall decorative paint is the most popular.
Many people believe that as long as I have really stone paint effect, I will finish as the main material of really stone paint.
Very easy to overlook the importance of the bottom and top of the paint.
Especially in the summer, in order to save costs, many people even save the true stone lacquer finish.
Therefore, true stone lacquer is very good.
Using the same formula, when construction in winter is a different story.
If it rains, the temperature is too low, really stone paint surface will appear the problem of 'white'.
Next, KeBao building materials will share with you really stone paint white blossoms.
True stone lacquer is seldom turned white when high temperature in summer, usually in winter and when it rains.
A few days, when it rains will really stone paint surface one by one to bleach.
Especially when the temperature is below 10 ℃, humidity is higher than 85 ℃, really stone paint surface will become white or fading like a flower, a Buddha is covered by frost.
Construction environment film emulsion glass transition temperature and the temperature factor: emulsion film-forming temperature, namely emulsion glass transition temperature (
Except for the elastic emulsion)
, the glass transition temperature above 26 ℃.
When the temperature is higher than or equal to the glass transition temperature, emulsion can be completely cured, and only when the emulsion curing, can play the emulsion waterproof performance.
However, when the temperature is lower than the temperature of emulsion, emulsion film forming time, but when the temperature is below 10 ℃, the emulsion is relatively 'fresh', the emulsion can't completely cured, only in the surface drying.
When the temperature dropped below 5 ℃, the ladle really stone paint can also be damaged by freezing.
That is to say, when the temperature is lower than a certain value, it can't use real stone paint.
In this way, it is not difficult to explain why there will be more about winter really stone paint whitening.
Really stone paint whitening solution 1.
The environmental factors of temperature.
When the temperature is below 10 ℃, the does not allow construction as much as possible.
If you need to construction, before and after five days don't choose a rainy day.
After stone paint is completely dry, must be sprayed water-based paint.
Made true stone lacquer is the key to choose appropriate emulsion, adding proper additive, and try to find the hydrophilic additive.
Hydrophilic additive should be steadily more appropriate data in the laboratory, and find the critical point of latex additives.
Avoid cutting corners: a: must use alkali resistant primer, base must be kept completely sealed.
If the leakage of the primer is rain soaked and return to base (white, really stone paint will not be able to cut the bottom, lead to irreversible situation.
Must be eradicated and start construction.
The middle of the really stone paint coating spray cannot little.
Because the natural sand rough in really stone paint without hiding power, coating must be completely covered opaque base.
Is about 4 - coating
5 kg/m2,
In the coarse)
: the water proof paint spraying quantity cannot little.
Had better choose water-based paint, it not only environmental protection, and effective permeability of water.
How to solve the problem of white really stone paint 1.
Check whether the bottom of the really stone paint for little or no resistance to alkali primer is alkaline bleaching.
If it is due to the caustic soda to bleach, the project will have to redo.
If the emulsion is not completely dry and white.
When the temperature rises, whitening automatically restored.
If you need to quickly recover the finished color, you can try to use oily finishing roller or spraying again.
Above is KeBao building materials to share with you really stone paint white blossoms.
Summer temperatures are high, really stone paint rarely turned white.
It usually occurs in winter and when it rains.
A few days, when it rains will really stone paint surface one by one to bleach.
I hope this is helpful to everyone.
Interested in really stone paint friend can read more about really stone paint 'really stone paint in the peak of construction should pay attention to what issues?
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