What should everyone in the use of wall emulsioni paint brush emulsioni paint of _ | opal chemical water paint
Metope is decorated in the home, besmear brushs emulsioni paint is both convenient and economical way, modern family is decorated, must use emulsioni paint, and with the improvement of people requirements, the performance of the latex paint has been improved.
Today, small make up to you to introduce how to brush metope paint should be.
how to brush metope paint
1, the crack in the first place to dig a small groove, grey with white latex with gypsum, tune into a paste used for caulking, after must fill and level up, after being dry use of putty powder and water fill again, dry sand can brush. Generally, in decorating metope of be bored with child to do two times, first time is to give the whole metope leveling, is the second time is for local treatment.
2, before to walls and ceilings brush emulsioni paint, must clean up, on a wall to sweep the dust on the wall, the excess putty, processing practice in the crack, metope and ceiling with a border of wood do the protection, avoid wood brush emulsioni paint.
3, brush emulsioni paint is relatively simple. If metope color is light, smallpox and brush the bottom two sides wall emulsioni paint is normal can, if the base of color is deeper, and ready to brush emulsioni paint color shallow, should according to the color more than the cover degree of brush emulsioni paint a few times. If the emulsioni paint is brushed too many times, but there will be a peeling and cracking phenomenon.
4, after brush emulsioni paint, wall emulsioni paint or putty to clean up pollution area, including Windows, glass, floor tile, radiators, heating pipe, furniture, play crural line of emulsioni paint and putty, tear in addition to the beauty of protection with masking tape, besmear brushs emulsioni paint waste generated in the clean up the scene.
to provide strong guarantee to make besmear brushs emulsioni paint effect, we must pay attention to the details in the construction process, especially metope processing before construction, the construction process of times, besmear brushs metope color emulsioni paint, and so on.
how to brush metope paint
1, the crack in the first place to dig a small groove, grey with white latex with gypsum, tune into a paste used for caulking, after must fill and level up, after being dry use of putty powder and water fill again, dry sand can brush. Generally, in decorating metope of be bored with child to do two times, first time is to give the whole metope leveling, is the second time is for local treatment.
2, before to walls and ceilings brush emulsioni paint, must clean up, on a wall to sweep the dust on the wall, the excess putty, processing practice in the crack, metope and ceiling with a border of wood do the protection, avoid wood brush emulsioni paint.
3, brush emulsioni paint is relatively simple. If metope color is light, smallpox and brush the bottom two sides wall emulsioni paint is normal can, if the base of color is deeper, and ready to brush emulsioni paint color shallow, should according to the color more than the cover degree of brush emulsioni paint a few times. If the emulsioni paint is brushed too many times, but there will be a peeling and cracking phenomenon.
4, after brush emulsioni paint, wall emulsioni paint or putty to clean up pollution area, including Windows, glass, floor tile, radiators, heating pipe, furniture, play crural line of emulsioni paint and putty, tear in addition to the beauty of protection with masking tape, besmear brushs emulsioni paint waste generated in the clean up the scene.
to provide strong guarantee to make besmear brushs emulsioni paint effect, we must pay attention to the details in the construction process, especially metope processing before construction, the construction process of times, besmear brushs metope color emulsioni paint, and so on.