Why are prone to hair flower really stone paint film phenomenon?
Really stone paint coating flowering for many reasons, but the most important thing is the construction.
True stone lacquer is very difficult to build.
If the control is not good, paint film is easy to local frosting.
When spraying really stone paint, therefore, be careful not to on the metope of the spray gun discharge and collection.
Gun movement speed should be consistent.
For each of the spraying range of edge, at the edge of the previous spraying range repeated a third, and keep the border width is not consistent.
Keep the film thin and uniform.
To build the key to true stone lacquer is paint the right consistency.
True stone lacquer is generally not need water, if necessary, add a little water to adjust.
However, control product structure should be paid attention to when spraying the consistency of the viscosity, air pressure, nozzle size and distance must be strictly consistent.
When the weather is windy weather, should stop the construction.
I need to blow the putty to spray really stone paint?
Because true stone lacquer has certain thickness, so the flatness requirement of the grassroots is inferior to the flatness requirement of the thin plate coating.
However, in order to ensure satisfactory adornment result, at the grassroots level still need to blow be bored with child after processing.
Otherwise, due to the nonuniformity of grassroots, are more likely to produce such as daub, uneven defects, this will affect adornment effect.
Basic level processing, wall need maintenance for a period of time.
Generally speaking, the new concrete curing time of the winter for 28 days, the summer for 14 days.
After curing, until at the grass-roots level of ph less than 10, should be handled at the local level.
Blow be bored with child before, at the grass-roots level shall be completely eliminated the loose, peeling, empty drum and powder, and then remove dust, grease and other contaminants.
Local leveling with exterior wall putty to repair the wall for the first time, using putty or caulking glue to fill large holes and cracks;
Be bored with child after drying, grinding, locally and then use the whole batch of putty leveling at the grass-roots level.