Why your home really stone paint construction effect is not ideal? Come and see the reason
At present, the exterior wall decoration really stone paint is made of.
Although true stone lacquer is a kind of very popular adornment material, but a lot of friends often say that why our walls decorated with really stone paint effect is not ideal, why didn't meet expectations.
The small series KeBao building materials will share with you why you really stone paint construction effect is not ideal.
Paint color is not uniform main reasons: 1.
Construction personnel color coordination skilled and accurate enough.
Hybrid coating cannot be evenly spread out.
The thickness of the coating is not even.
The solution: evenly daub the second really stone paint, until the really stone paint on the wall has a certain sense.
Really stone paint surface cracks and empty drum main reason: cement mortar area is large, slow drying time, leads to cracks and empty drum.
Solution: when rendering on average segmentation processing at the grass-roots level, uniform slurry collocation.
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217 bentonite for really stone paint, in order to prevent the construction process of sand obviously splash.
Residues of the surface obviously the main reason is that wall is too thick, because there are so many really stone paint.
Solution: engineering program should exchange in time, and the examination and acceptance of our wall plastering.
If you can't pass inspection, please don't go to the next step.
Cross contamination main reason: surface didn't pay attention in the process of construction on the mesh distribution, lead to appearance of loss.
Solution: each construction procedure must be followed in the construction process, and to avoid cross contamination.
At the same time, can choose anti-aging, high temperature resistance, resistance to strong radiation of the coating to fill, can also reduce the cross contamination.
How to do really stone paint effect?
What determines the true stone paint effect?
The primary state major effect really stone paint on the surface of the ground stability.
This is the foundation surface conditions.
If rough surface at the grass-roots level, will not only bring really stone paint construction more workload, but also reduce the bond strength of the material, will lead to serious really stone paint block off.
In order to make the really stone paint to withstand the test of all kinds of the wind and the sun, the environmental protection work really stone paint must be ready at the beginning of construction, such as the construction of controlling factors such as temperature, humidity, wind, construction period can't act too hastily, or really stone paint effect and durability will greatly reduced, this is also the reason of this engineering environment.
Above is why, in your house building really stone paint did not achieve the desired effect, as explained by KeBao paint small edit.
In fact, there are many reasons.
If you want to master the small mention these points, basically no problem.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Interested in paint friend can read more about paint the KeBaoZhen stone paint why mainstream factory?
'The information.