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Decorate the advantages and disadvantages of autumn you know? _ water-based paint | opal chemical water-based paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
As the saying goes, golden nine silver ten decorating season, autumn is cool is a good time to decorate. Autumn decoration is advantage, also has its disadvantages, there are always two sides to everything. Below small make up take you know together: autumn decoration of advantages and disadvantages.

autumn decorates the advantage of

1, the weather is advantageous to the construction of the

the autumn is cool, let decorate worker in already closed, tedious decoration work, maintain a good mood, to improve project quality and schedule. In addition, also can save the consumption of air conditioning or fan in decorating.

2, low humidity is not easy to damp the

fall significantly lower the humidity in the air, in favor of preservation of wooden materials in domestic outfit. Low humidity weather at the same time, the paint coating is easy to dry, can shorten the time to decorate.

3, shorten the drying time

the autumn wind is not only brought a cool and dry, and conducive to dilute decorate the harmful gas of legacy, 'sewer' bridal chamber drying room can shorten the time and let owner at ease in their new home at an early date.

4, decorate the choose and buy discount

autumn is well-known decorate busy season, compared to other seasons, more decoration market promotions, all sorts of discounts also emerge in endlessly. Therefore, the owner can seize this opportunity to save the cost of materials.

autumn decorates the disadvantage of

1, the safe hidden trouble

decoration materials are flammable liquids, such as paint, wood, paint, thinner, etc. Dry weather if you don't pay attention to, it may lead to major fire accident. Accordingly, decorate in the autumn, when need to pay special attention to the construction site safety.
in terms of material storage, volatile paint coating, its sealing is close friends certainly. Separately stored in different rooms or different corner, avoid direct sunlight. Construction, interior construction can't disorderly pull disorderly wiring; Smoking is forbidden in the scene, the use of fire, to prevent the fire.

2, material protection

decoration materials generally have the characteristics of wet bilge drying shrinkage, autumn climate is dry, metope paint, wallpaper and floor is easy to appear weather-shack phenomenon, such as impact decoration effect. Avoid direct sunlight, in a cool and dry place of the house.
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