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Decoration wood coatings construction needs to pay attention to? Waterborne wood paint are _ | opal chemical water-based paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Besmear brushs decoration wood coatings is essential link in decorating, wood coatings technology good or bad determines the furniture is beautiful, paint quality determines the decoration environmental protection. So, the home installs wood coatings construction and selection is very important, below, small make up take you know together residential wood coatings.

decoration wood coatings construction preparation

wood coatings construction tools: sandpaper, water-based chemical fiber brush, spray gun; Wood coatings construction materials: wood, wood paint repair putty, wood paint primer paint finish.

decoration wood coatings construction technology

blow be bored with child is a very important step of wood paint processing at the grass-roots level can remove the rough surface part, and then grind the besmear brushs wood paint primer, stay dry paint besmear again after wood coatings, waterborne wood paint to take thin many times.

decoration wood coatings construction points for attention in

to check whether there is oil pollution at the grass-roots level, if there is a need to clean up; Wood nail holes or uneven need putty repair; When construction need to cover the floor, door to wait; Wood coatings construction need to stir to mix well.
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