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Description of solid wood furniture paint renovation for process _ furniture paint | opal chemical water-based paint

by:Opal     2021-01-18
Solid wood furniture whether water paint or paint, use for a long time will inevitably fall paint, losing its original gloss and beautiful. At this time, we need to use solid wood furniture paint to repair, how to use the solid wood furniture paint to repair? With small make up together and see it.

a, solid wood furniture paint what reason be?

if we are not reasonable use and maintenance, real wood furniture will appear all sorts of problems. Paint is one of the most common problem, solid wood furniture, after transformation of the four seasons heat bilges cold shrink to make originally smooth surface, the phenomenon of the cracking off paint.

2, solid wood furniture to fill paint?

1, the surface cleaning

before for solid wood furniture paint repair, to clean the surface dust and dirt, and keep dry appearance, the purpose is to enhance the adhesion of furniture paint, fill after paint effect is better.

2, furniture paint palette

to fill paint will be like the colour of solid wood furniture, don't appear off color. For touch-up need new toning, according to the furniture material of colour and lustre, correct, paint on furniture paint construction.

3, touch-up grinding

polishing is to handle furniture base defect such as burr, impurities, make its surface, edge smooth, improve film adhesion, don't forget to clean up the surface dust after polishing.

4, batch blow be bored with child

using transparent putty for batch of scraping, polishing, after filling putty and then smooth, clean surface dust can be painted.

5, for touch-up

the first time after touch-up again after filling putty, dry after polishing, clean up the surface dust, paint on the second times, stay dry grinding is clean, the last times paint, so that you can achieve the ideal effect.
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