How long do metope lacquer? Blank wall wall paint brush paint operation method _ | opal chemical water-based paint
Metope paint the wall paint, need timely protection, because metope paint brush haven't dry.
But how long metope paint dry?
The blank wall paint operation method is what?
Maybe you don't know, here small make up give you a brief introduction.
how long metope lacquer dry
48 hours after the general will dry. Metope lacquer table dry time is half an hour, the actual dry time is 48 hours. As long as this period don't run into water, or a contact. If there is a touching, metope lacquer to need to wait for dry after repair.
operation method of blank wall paint
1, handle the metope of painting in advance. Will clean wall peeling or loose with cement mortar to fill. There is crack with kraft paper and white latex sticks a crack, general light body wall and thermal insulation wall such as nonbearing wall need to patch.
2, brush primers and paint. Blank wall paint must brush divide evenly, make sure that every place to brush metope, if metope lacquer amount is larger, primer right amount add a little water, add too much water will affect the film thickness, and the hardness of paint film, feel normal primer brush paint twice again.
actually blank wall paint steps or very little, if not professional technical workers can operate. Therefore, mastered the relevant methods of blank wall paint steps, can oneself to decorate after purchase. Of course, at the time of blank wall paint, to choose the right metope lacquer.
how long metope lacquer dry
48 hours after the general will dry. Metope lacquer table dry time is half an hour, the actual dry time is 48 hours. As long as this period don't run into water, or a contact. If there is a touching, metope lacquer to need to wait for dry after repair.
operation method of blank wall paint
1, handle the metope of painting in advance. Will clean wall peeling or loose with cement mortar to fill. There is crack with kraft paper and white latex sticks a crack, general light body wall and thermal insulation wall such as nonbearing wall need to patch.
2, brush primers and paint. Blank wall paint must brush divide evenly, make sure that every place to brush metope, if metope lacquer amount is larger, primer right amount add a little water, add too much water will affect the film thickness, and the hardness of paint film, feel normal primer brush paint twice again.
actually blank wall paint steps or very little, if not professional technical workers can operate. Therefore, mastered the relevant methods of blank wall paint steps, can oneself to decorate after purchase. Of course, at the time of blank wall paint, to choose the right metope lacquer.