How many Qian Yiping really stone paint? 2019 really stone paint quotation of entire network
Everyone really stone paint must be familiar with.
True stone lacquer is common in the decoration, usually based on the application of primers and paint.
Really stone paint, therefore, including the cost of every square metre really stone paint, closed the total price of the primers and paint.
As a result, the price of every square metre really stone paint range will be very big, for readers reference value is very small.
So today really stone paint will take you to understand it!
In addition to the sand ratio and dosage per square meter, it also affect the price of every square metre really stone paint.
In addition to the sand ratio is related to raw materials, formulation and production process, in addition to sand ratio of every square metre really stone paint use has very big effect.
However, three sand, coarse sand, medium sand and fine sand directly affects the use of every square metre really stone paint.
The sand is fine, the greater the amount per square metre.
Special requirements do not recommend using medium sand really stone paint.
True stone lacquer is natural really stone paint sand silicone acrylic emulsion.
Select medium sand.
Engineering really stone paint 2 per kilogram.
4 yuan, home decoration really stone paint per kg 2 kinds, 3 yuan 4 yuan.
In order to calculate, we use 15 yuan per kg price closed primers and paint.
Really stone paint price includes styrene acrylic emulsion really stone paint, pure acrylic emulsion, really stone paint, silicon a crylic-acid emulsion really stone paint, natural really stone paint, dye really stone paint, really stone paint of coarse sand, medium sand really stone paint, fine really stone paint, etc.
The price of each really stone paint is different.
In conclusion, we must know about it and recommend to read more about really stone paint 'really stone paint construction how to save costs?
Watching you will understand. '