How the texture paint classification
Texture coating of inspiration comes from the Greek peninsula, different style, the cabin is widely used in foreign countries.
In recent years, domestic manufacturers by introducing the domestic construction industry technology import will texture coating, caused a sensation.
Its texture, simple and strong feeling that people can enjoy the peninsula under the style of the style.
After introduction, domestic manufacturers have to formula is improved, so as to adapt to high weather resistance and the characteristics of the Chinese market.
Texture coating of natural environmental protection, non-toxic tasteless, waterproof, good air permeability, decoration simple sense is strong, can make the three-dimensional decorative pattern, anti-aging ability.
What are the types of texture coating?
Let KeBao, shaw told everyone.
Sandstone series, also known as sand wall paint.
It is made of natural quartz sand and special rock as filler made of texture.
Hard, looks like the granite.
Because of light weight, it does not increase the building load pressure, also does not have the risk of loss.
It has the appearance of the natural stone material, with natural rock color to color, excellent weather resistance, is a rare natural stone material replacement.
Stone series, also known as really stone paint.
It is a natural color sand as the main filler and elaboration.
Through the natural color sand texture itself, create all kinds of sand wall texture, formation sand and stone effect, satisfies requirement of design.
Texture paint is also called the skin texture, it comes from people's understanding of the oil painting skin texture.
Texture refers to the meaning and coherence.
He argues that poetry should be based on the knowledge, solid content and form is beautiful.
Its purpose is to correct the theory of poetics, such as rhyme and tone of prejudice, such as express romantic charm, adhere to the style, or talk about temperament, make poem depressing rhyme.
Texture painting helps to form recognition, understanding and expression and to create, also helps to form language with a better understanding of the meaning and function.