Really stone paint analysis of the development and application
Really stone paint USES natural color quartz sand specially processed into color aggregate and special FS model acrylic resin emulsion as binder.
Decorated with natural stone building grand, noble and high quality.
However, due to the natural stone material price is high, the construction inconvenience, the market can be badly in need of a spray directly on the exterior architectural coatings on the surface of the stone, its adornment effect should have natural stone texture and color.
Earlier this decoration material development and utilization in foreign countries, but their prices are not widely available.
Really stone paint coating is mainly composed of alkali resistant primer, really stone paint layer and paint layers.
For different types of substrate and primer can be divided into oily and water.
Seal primer is used, after solvent evaporation, primer of polymer and fillers to leach into the base hole gland, blocking base material on the surface of wool stoma, make base material surface has better waterproof performance, eliminates the substrate moisture migration caused by alkaline, frosting, and increase the Lord really stone paint layer and base, the adhesion between the avoid spalling and osteoporosis.
Coloured aggregate made of natural stone material through grinding, cleaning, grading process.
It has excellent weather resistance, acid-proof alkaline, and fastness.
It is a artificial burn with sand.
Really stone paint layer consists of aggregate, bonding materials, and other functions.
Aggregate is used as the middle tier structure really stone paint.
Ordinary aggregate choose confessions degree good, high silicon content of quartz sand.
Due to the natural stone color dim, dark when used alone.
Will be a certain amount of white quartz sand combined with natural color stone powder, adjust the color depth, the coating color layer, can obtain similar to natural stone texture, also reduces the production cost.
Through the natural color of white sand and quartz sand ratio and different grade, can fully display the color and texture of natural stone.
Using different construction technology and many color or 3 color spray gun, achieve the result of simulation of marble and granite.
Really stone paint durability.
Mainly using polystyrene type special acrylic resin emulsion.
The dairy industry's consumption should be controlled in 20%
30%, basically can guarantee long-term bond strength and the coating compactness.
Really stone paint must be used with good water resistance, high adhesive strength and high glass transition temperature of special lotions.
Only play the role of, can fundamentally solve the problem of absorbing water whitening really stone paint coating.
The solid content of reasonable design and use of different types of thickening agents can improve the application performance of coatings and apparent performance and pollution.
Choice is very important.
Choice really stone paint is a good choice.
Really stone paint has wide applicability, and is closely related to our life.
We can't live out of really stone paint.