Through exterior wall coating inspection report, to distinguish true stone lacquer is qualified
Generally speaking, the exterior wall coating are approved by the national inspection agency harmful material detection and the main performance.
There will be various test index inspection report.
Strange friend can from these data and qualified technical indicators to determine whether a really stone paint.
In general, random inspection report more objective than the inspection report, national inspection agencies more authority than local agencies.
A, harmful material set limit to: synthetic resin emulsion exterior wall paint, synthetic resin emulsion and elastic building exterior wall coating, sand wall building exterior wall coating main harmful material set limit to index mainly includes the following points 1, volatile organic compounds 2, 3 free formaldehyde content, total 4 content of ethylene glycol ether ether and ester, heavy metal content, the main physical properties index of 2:1, synthetic resin emulsion exterior wall coating of exterior house paint and elastic main physical performance indicators mainly include: contrast (
And light color)
, scrub resistance, alkali resistance, low temperature, drying time stability, water resistance, alkali resistance, contamination resistance, artificial climate ageing resistance, etc.
Elastic building exterior wall coating has tensile strength (
Standard conditions)
And the elongation at break,
Standard conditions, -
10 ℃ and heat treatment)
Synthetic resin emulsion sand wall building exterior wall coating of the main indicators are: the drying time, low temperature stability, water resistance, alkali resistance, contamination resistance, impact resistance, adhesive strength, artificial climate ageing resistance and other reflect the performance of its own characteristics.
Everyone can according to relevant national and industry standards to judge and make a different choice.